ENI CBC MED: The Capitalization Call

The challenges that the Mediterranean faces differ in multiple different ways. From climate change to pollution to youth unemployment and social inequality actions are being taken to try and combat these problems.

The ENI CBC MED programme can address all of the challenges mentioned above as well as many more. The aim is to improve the lives of the people across the Mediterranean region. At the moment the 2014-2020 ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”, the largest Cross-Border Cooperation initiative implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument is taking place.

The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries in view of fostering fair, equitable and sustainable development on both sides of the EU’s external borders.Through calls for proposals, ENI CBC Med finances cooperation projects for a more competitive, innovative, inclusive and sustainable Mediterranean area.

The final call for the period 2014-2020 under the ENI CBC MED programme is now open!

Title: The Capitalization Call

Description: The objective of the call for capitalisation projects is to foster the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results developed under different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives, including the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programmes, the Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Programme. For this last call under the 2014-2020 period, the Joint Monitoring Committee (decision-making body of the Programme) has decided to focus on capitalisation, an innovative process which aims to enable the uptake of the results of a series of different projects/programmes/initiatives by identifying successful and efficient practices, ensuring their promotion, dissemination, replication and mainstreaming in public policies.

Considering the current context marked by COVID-19 pandemic and in view of the global economic downturn, Applicants are encouraged to develop actions that can foster the socio-economic regeneration across the Mediterranean area, in terms of:

  • Job and business creation;
  • Transition to carbon-neutral economies;
  • Efficient delivery of social care services;
  • Support to the most vulnerable people.

To maximise the impact of the projects to be funded, all 4 thematic objectives and 11 priorities of the Programme are addressed by the call, i.e.:

Business and SMEs development

  • A.1.1: Support innovative start-up and recently established enterprises.
  • A.1.2: Strengthen and support euro Mediterranean networks, clusters, consortia and value-chains in traditional sectors and nontraditional sectors.
  • A.1.3: Encourage sustainable tourism initiatives and actions.

Technology transfer and innovation

  • A.2.1: Support technological transfer and commercialisation of research results.
  • A.2.2: Support SMEs in accessing research and innovation, also through clustering.

Social inclusion and fight against poverty

  • A.3.1: Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills.
  • A.3.2: Support social and solidarity economic actors.

Environment and climate change

  • B.4.1: Water management - Support sustainable initiatives targeting innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency.
  • B.4.2: Waste treatment and recycling - Reduce municipal waste generation, promote the source-separated collection and its optimal exploitation.
  • Submission.
  • B.4.4: Integrated Coastal Zone Management - Incorporate the Ecosystem-Based management approach to ICZM into local development planning.

As outlined in the Joint Operational Programme, capitalisation projects “will promote the exploitation and/or widest dissemination of the successful practices and results of previously financed projects.

The Capitalization Call concludes a series of calls with a massive effect on the Mediterranean region. New rules will apply for ENI CBC MED for the period 2021-2020. Learn more about these new rules.

Find the right partners and apply for the Capitalization Call today. The EU calls platform provides you with all the necessary data to form your consortium and submit a proposal.