How it works

EUcalls offers you a time-efficient process to apply for EU funding.

Onboarding Step 1

All European funding opportunities in one page

Browse the widest variety of European calls and partners.

Fill in your profile and join the Partners' Network.

Save time with our Personalized Matching EnvironmentPremium Icon

Customized Content. Built for simplicity.

Discover calls that match your profile. We provide a fully update database for your preferences.

Create funding targets according to your needs

Get a quick overview of all matching calls

Onboarding Step 2
Onboarding Step 3

Connect with Partners experienced in EU funding

Follow and contact them directly.

Find your ideal collaborators. Get matched based on experience, expertise and geolocation.

Grow your Ideas

Discover Idea Pad.

Share and link you ideas to specific calls, invite your team to work with you or explore inspiring ideas by others. Create an impact together.

Onboarding Step 4