Securing EU Funding Calls for Healthcare Research with Horizon Europe 2024

The European Union (EU) offers significant funding opportunities for healthcare research, aiming to drive innovation and address pressing health challenges. These funding calls are pivotal for researchers, institutions, and organizations looking to contribute to advancements in healthcare. Understanding the nuances of these funding programmes can significantly enhance the chances of securing financial support for impactful projects. Here’s an overview of some of the currently available funding opportunities for 2024:

Horizon Europe Health Calls 2024

The 2024 Horizon Europe Health Calls are now open, inviting proposals under Cluster 1 ‘Health’. Key calls include:

  1. One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance: This initiative focuses on tackling antimicrobial resistance through a comprehensive approach. Deadline: September 25, 2024.
  2. Pandemic Preparedness: Enhances preparedness and response to pandemics. Deadline: November 26, 2024.
  3. Management of Multiple Long-Term Conditions: Targets research for managing chronic diseases. Deadline: November 26, 2024.
  4. Sustainable Health and Care Systems: Seeks innovative solutions for environmentally sustainable healthcare. Deadline: November 26, 2024.

You can watch the dedicated info day on May 28 for more information.

Application Process and Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria

EU4Health Programme

EU4Health is another significant funding programme with a budget of over €5 billion from 2021 to 2027, aiming to improve health systems across the EU. The program focuses on several key areas:

  • Improving Health and Fostering Innovation: Supports innovative projects that enhance overall health and well-being.
  • Protecting Citizens: Shields citizens from serious cross-border health threats through robust preventive measures.
  • Enhancing Availability: Improves access to medicinal products and medical devices, ensuring they are safe and effective.
  • Strengthening Health Systems: Makes health systems more resilient, accessible, and capable of handling crises.

There are currently 8 EU4Health programme calls open for applications, offering diverse opportunities to contribute to healthcare advancements. Explore the latest EU4Health funding opportunities on EUcalls.

Benefits of Participating in EU-Funded Projects

  • Financial Support: Access substantial funding to support various research activities, enhancing the scope and impact of your project.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Network with leading researchers, institutions, and organisations across Europe, fostering knowledge sharing and multidisciplinary approaches.
  • Innovation Acceleration: Benefit from support structures, cutting-edge technologies, mentorship, and strategic guidance to accelerate your research from concept to real-world application.

Challenges and Solutions in Securing EU Funding

  1. High Competition: Thorough preparation is crucial. Understand specific requirements, identify key objectives, and align your proposal accordingly.
  2. Application Requirements: Navigate stringent requirements by seeking advice from successful applicants and experts. Ensure your proposal is comprehensive and well-organised.

Is your organisation facing challenges in finding and securing EU funding for its innovation? Seek our expert Innovation Funding services for Universities and BSOs.

Preparing a Successful Proposal

  • Understand the Call Requirements: Review call details, eligibility criteria, objectives, and expected outcomes.
  • Develop a Strong Concept: Align your innovative and feasible research idea with the call’s objectives.
  • Collaborate with Partners: Build a consortium with complementary expertise to enhance credibility and scope.
  • Detail Your Methodology: Clearly outline research methods, data collection, analysis, and expected outcomes.
  • Budget Planning: Provide a realistic budget plan that aligns with your project’s goals and activities.
  • Review and Refine: Seek peer, mentor, or expert feedback to refine your proposal before submission.


EU funding calls for healthcare research present invaluable opportunities for researchers and institutions to advance their work. By understanding the application process, preparing robust proposals, and fostering collaborations, applicants can enhance their chances of securing funding and making significant contributions to healthcare. The benefits of participating in these projects extend beyond financial support, offering opportunities for collaboration and innovation. 

Are you ready to elevate your healthcare research to new heights? Become an EUcalls member today and don't miss out on the latest open Horizon Europe Health Calls 2024 and EU4Health funding opportunities. Explore the possibilities, prepare proposals, and become part of the European healthcare innovation today!