Research and Innovation of Low Carbon Economy in Horizon Europe

With Horizon 2020 soon coming to an end, a new financial framework will come to take its place. That framework is Horizon Europe, one of the most promising research and development programmes. With this article, we will attempt to give you some information regarding the new framework and some of the most important actions that will be taken.

Horizon Europe already has an estimated budget of 100 billion euros. The programme has even more ambitious aims. Horizon Europe will mostly focus on supporting the emergence of low carbon economy as well as battle with major problems that cause climate change.

The Challenges on a Global level

Have of the Horizon Europe fund, has already been earmarked in order to combat some of the biggest world challenges and to boost the industrial competitiveness of the European market. The actions will be taken passed on the Second Pillar and they have already been divided into seven important thematic clusters. One of those clusters is dedicated to Climate, Energy, and Mobility. The budget proposed for that cluster is already 15 billion euros.

The projects that will be supported under that cluster, will directly benefit all regional and local authorities. They will also focus on developing new technologies as well as innovative approaches that will be used to provide opportunities for cities and regions to join partnerships.

It is a priority for Horizon Europe to support all the achievements of the European Union’s policy objectives. That includes supporting the development of sustainable infrastructures, services, and systems for smart and sustainable communities and cities, low-carbon hydrogen and fuel cells, renewable energy technologies, energy storage, decarbonization of Europe’s building stock, zero-emission road transport and smart, safe and accessible mobility systems. 

Horizon Europe will include a number of missions aimed at catching the imagination of the general public. In practice, this will involve a portfolio of cross-disciplinary actions working towards a single inspirational and measurable goal. Missions will be defined at a later stage, but will fall within one of five Mission Areas:

  1. Adaptation to climate change, including societal transformation 
  2. Cancer 
  3. Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters 
  4. Soil health and food 
  5. Climate-neutral and smart cities

Innovation in Europe

‘’Innovative Europe’’, is the pillar that will focus on the stimulation of the market breakthroughs and an ecosystem conducive to innovation. The budget that will help support the actions takes for the enhancement of the European Innovation Ecosystem had already been set aside in an effort to connect regional and national actors. The aim is to enhance regional Innovation Performance.

You can find more details regarding the Horizon Europe priorities, on the "Orientations towards the first strategic plan" document.