Interview with iLink Software Development Company from Greece

1. Could you please provide some information about your organization?

iLink is a software development company established in Athens, Greece, in 2005. Among the most important areas of our expertise are Telematics, IoT sensors (outdoor and indoor positioning, temperature logging vehicle data, 5G comms, etc.), and Logistics, catering to both the private and public sectors. iLink provides robust and state-of-the-art business solutions on a multi-national level. More importantly, iLink dynamically entered the EU Projects space with key participation in Horizon Europe Projects as a use case owner and application area leader and it is also a member of 6G-IA and one6G associations. In these EU Projects iLink’s performance has been distinguished for having excellent collaborative skills with on-time delivery and further coordination roles. In conclusion, our organization's background deriving from our current business activities, research orientation, and similarity to the already ongoing company’s EU Projects, differentiates iLink from the local and international competition.


2. What inspired you to establish your organization?

In a different context, the vision behind iLink’s creation has been the exploitation of our passion and technical expertise in computer science concepts. Our logo is “We are made to innovate”. So, together with my business partner Stathis Vlachos founded the software development company iLink after graduating from the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Moreover, the design and development of practical, competitive, and innovative products and services is a great motivation by itself, isn’t it?


3. What is your field of expertise?

As already mentioned, our background is in Electrical and Computer engineering which includes many scientific and business topics of interest. Specializing in the field of mobility, we offer reliable Internet of Things, Fleet, and Mobile Workforce Management solutions to the market. Product-wise, we mainly focus on telematics and logistics for small, medium, and large-sized clients as well as field service solutions for organizations with a diversity of remote service activities. For this reason, we deliver hardware and software services in an end-to-end manner providing installation, configuration, technical support, and constant optimization of our tailor-made products (PowerFleet & PowerTech suites). At the same time, through our research, we have gained significant knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, UAVs as well as blockchain initiatives and MaaS (Mobility as a Service) solutions.


4. What is your organization's impact on the society? 

This statement should be food for thought for every organization. Having in mind the popular ESG initiatives and directives on a global and EU level, the social aspect is one of the prominent pillars of growth and prosperity. So, apart from the low-level impact which is the job opportunities offered by iLink, combined with active participation in events that promote knowledge sharing, we can confidently say that our products optimize processes and operations in crucial social services (EUDOXUS, Real-time monitoring of municipal vehicles, CO2 emissions, etc.)


5. Can you tell us about any significant collaboration on EU projects you've been involved in? 

Till this point, we participate in the 5G-INDUCE(IA) and the INCODE(RIA) Horizon EU Projects as use case owner and Application Area leader, respectively. Additionally, we also participate as third parties and testers in some more projects (NERO & AI4HealthSec). Further, we are currently drafting future proposals that fall into our company’s expertise.


6. What accomplishment of your organization are you proud of?

The motto “innovative business solutions” reflects our company’s mentality; and determination to provide businesses with high-tech, affordable and easy-to-use solutions. It has never been about technology itself. We started with software engineering, we focused on providing advanced business solutions, we began participating in EU projects and we are currently working on computer vision and machine learning/pattern recognition initiatives. Technology will always evolve and we are committed to exploiting it in the best suitable way for us, our colleagues, and our partners. We are visionaries but at the same time, being engineers, we like to get things done. The continuous motivation to innovate that has become part of our organization’s DNA is our fundamental growth pillar and we will always be proud of this.


7. In what type of projects are you interested in?

Besides the obvious, which is the field of logistics and telematics, we have invested time and resources to gain knowledge on various other concepts like computer vision, data analytics, UAVs, blockchain, and automation under the prism of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. In this direction, we conduct research on diverse technologies, programming languages and frameworks, hardware components, and network architectures.


8. What are you looking for in an EU partner?

From our experience so far, having good communication is the most important factor of success in a project. We try to be on the same page with our partners in terms of understanding the needs of the project, planning our work, and tackling any obstacles that may occur during the project’s implementation. Additionally, a crucial factor is the diversity of expertise in such projects that act as enablers of knowledge sharing that adds significant value to the whole process. Summing up, we highly evaluate a partner who shares the same passion with us and is eager to exchange knowledge.


10. Why did you choose the EUcalls platform to assist you with your work?

The platform offers a very well-structured user interface. The projects are presented and filtered properly giving the user the opportunity to browse easily and find any piece of information very quickly. In addition, the newsletter keeps the user updated with any new projects.


11. Is there something else you would like to add?

iLink started as a dream several years ago. It was just an idea, a beer between two youngsters discussing becoming entepreneurs. Several years after this dream, iLink is a sustainable, fast-growing and innovative enterprise that paves the way for smart logistics transformations. Following our dreams and never giving up has always been our inside driving force. This is our message to future generations of ambitious entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is not easy, it is risky, but it is worth the try.

If you are interested in learning more about iLink Software Development Company, visit their official website at: 

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