Interview With “Nexus Connecting Business”

Give us a few information about your organization

Since 2015 Nexus Connecting Business has been helping companies to develop market and promote the products  in the international food sector. Our company has extensive experience in Public affairs, advertising, sales marketing, trade shows and exhibitions. We are a network of proven communication professionals who are intellectually curious and focused on applying our experience and knowledge to find the communication solutions right for each individual client. As well as a marketing services we provide, a big part of our business is an implementation of EU promotional programs. Through these years, we had worked on some of them and the results were great. At the moment,   we are about to finish the last 3rd year or EU promotional program “Olive YOU” for table olives.

What inspired you to create your organization?

Through the years of experience of  exporting and importing EU agricultural products we have discovered that we can help to promote these type of products at the markets of third countries through EU programs. We are the most successful agency in Greece that participate in such programs.

What is your field of expertise?

Mainly, our company focused on implementing EU agricultural promotional programs as a part of EU Regulations 3/2008 and 01/2008. We’ve participated in many different programs such as European Currants ‘The queen of Taste’, ‘Great Flavors’ for PDO Feta cheese, European PDO products: “Precious Drops promotion program” for Chios Mastiha and “Olive YOU” for table olives. Besides, we have a sales department that cooperating with producers from Europe to promote and export their product in the different markets i.e USA, United Arba Emirates, Saudi Arabia and etc.

What is your organization’s impact on society?

We believe that owing to EU promotional program we informed many people across the world about healthy way of living (i.e by informing how to combine healthy ingredients in a daily cooking as well as their benefits  for a wellness). We also hope that we can work on some programs that help to improve the situation with environment.

What are some of your most important collaborations?

We cooperate with PEMETE (PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF TABLE OLIVES PROCESSORS, PACKERS AND EXPORTERS) within the framework of “Olive YOU” program as well as with french company “Sopexa” that is an implementing body of this program.  We also have a partner “West Word Group” based in USA. During the currants program we cooperated  with AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES’ UNION AEGHION based in Greece.

What is something your organization achieved that you are proud of?

We are proud of all the achievements we have made so far as we believe we work hard on every detail to reach a succsess. We are the most professional and efficient  agency in Greece that participate in EU promotional programs.

What kinds of projects do you want to work on?

We are still interested in all Agrip – Promotions of Agricultural products as well as in some programs that can help to improve climate and environment situation.

What is it that you are looking for, from an EU partner?

We are experienced agency in implementing programs but we don’t have a partner that can write and fill the EU programs so it would be our priority in order to find an EU partner.

How did you get to know the EU calls platform?

We saw your web advertisement, checked your web site and thought that services you provide could fit our needs.

Why did you choose the EUcalls platform to assist you with your work?

We are convinced of your expertise and experience.

Is there something else you wish to add regarding your organization?

We would like to add that we try to do our best to achieve our goals. Sometimes we face some problems in our business but we always know how to resolve them quickly.