6 Open Calls for Gender Equality from Horizon Europe

Open calls for gender equality are an essential funding tool for organizations or individuals working towards social inclusion in Europe. These grants provide funding for women's empowerment projects in EU and come to support the European policies and objectives in this multiannual financial framework 2021-2027.

Every year there are hundreds of EU calls for proposals issued by the EU. Therefore, it is not easy to keep track of every available European call, and thus you are missing out on important opportunities for EU funding.

As our mission is to help you create an impact, we are bringing your attention to these open calls for gender equality issued by the Horizon Europe programme that you can find on our platform.

Gender Equality in Europe

Gender equality in Europe has a long history. Ideas like equal pay for equal work can be traced back to Rome's Treaty in 1957. This treaty laid the very first European foundations for gender equality in the European continent that continues today.

Since then, Europe began introducing progressive policies and values on gender equality. This new dynamic led to the creation of a fertile ground for the feminist movement to grow. And truth be told, the EU has made impressive steps to achieve equality between sexes.

The differences with the past may be noticeable, but still, there is more work to be done. For social change to happen, it needs to be gradual and not drastic, as society needs to be mature enough to accept it.

In that regard, and aligned with Europe's Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, open calls for gender equality support the European policies. These gender equality calls provide the much-needed financial support for projects that focus on bettering women's position in Europe.

If you are not a member yet and are interested in EU funding, you should give EUcalls a try. Our users can find in one place all the available EU calls for proposals on any topic and reliable partners to collaborate with.

The following are only some of the Horizon Europe open calls for gender equality that you can find on EUcalls.

Open calls for gender equality to receive funding for women's empowerment projects

TitleCoAct Open Calls on Gender Equality 

Programme: -

Budget: € 20,000

Description: CoAct is launching a call for proposals, inviting civil society initiatives to apply for our cascading grants with max. 20.000, - Euro to conduct Citizen Social Science research on the topic of Gender Equality. A maximum of four (4) applicants will be selected across three (3) different open calls for Gender Equality. Applications from a broad range of backgrounds are welcome, including feminist, LGTBQ+, none-binary and critical masculinity perspectives.

Deadline: 30/09/2021

TitleLiving Lab for gender-responsive innovation

Programme: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-80

Budget: € 3,000,000

Description: Women remain disproportionately under-represented among innovators and start-up entrepreneurs and hold less than 10% of patent applications, while the integration of the gender dimension into product design, technologies and innovations in general, remains very limited despite its potential for opening new markets and its core importance for solving global challenges and European priorities. Moreover, a positive correlation between the European Innovation Scoreboard and the Gender Equality Index has been reported, and a higher proportion of research organizations with a gender equality plan in a given country is similarly correlated with a higher Innovation Score.

Deadline: 20/04/2022

Title Gender and social, economic and cultural empowerment 


Budget: € 3,000,000

Description: Full gender equality in the distribution and concentration of power in all political, social, cultural and economic spheres is far from being realized: in EIGE's Gender Equality Index 2020, the domain of Power scores the lowest across all six domains with an EU average of only 53.5 out of 100. Gendered power relations do not only concern decision-making and politics, but are also reflected in our everyday lives, including in the workplace, academia, arts and culture, the private and public spheres, education and early-childhood socialization. While there has been much research on inequalities and power relations in these different areas, this has not always translated into practical, sustainable and structural change on policy and societal level. In the light of economic crises, pandemics, and the climate emergency, it is crucial to re-examine these power relations and provide innovative solutions and policy responses to advance women's empowerment.

Deadline: 20/04/2022

TitleBoosting women-led innovation in farming and rural areas

Programme: HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-01-01

Budget: € 3,000,000

Description: The role that European women play in rural development and in farming is still widely under-researched. And so is their role as entrepreneurs and innovation leaders, the specifics of the innovations they develop and how the current governance framework contributes to boosting their innovation capacity or to hampering it. Current evidence suggests that this role is underestimated and that the potential of rural women to contribute to sustainability transitions remains partially untapped, in particular due to a lack of targeting in policy frameworks and innovation support systems.

Deadline: 15/02/2022

TitleTackling gender, race and other biases in AI (RIA)

Programme: HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-24

Budget: € 3,500,000

Description: Research demonstrates how bias exacerbates existing inequalities and reinforces gender, racial and other stereotypes in, for instance, the labour market, education, online advertising systems, social media, taxation and the justice system.

Bias in AI can occur in three dimensions: training data, bias in algorithms, and bias in the interpretation of the results. This topic investigates preventing and mitigating bias in AI, focusing on (1) recommender and personalization systems, (2) algorithmic decision-making, and (3) surveillance software, including facial recognition. Proposals may focus on more than one of these AI-based systems and should clearly identify the expected use-case/s in society.

Deadline: 21/10/2021

TitleDomestic and sexual violence are prevented and combated

Programme: HORIZON-CL3-2021-FCT-01-06 

Budget: € 3,000,000

Description: Full gender equality in the distribution and concentration of power in all political, social, cultural and economic spheres is far from being realized: in EIGE's Gender Equality Index 2020, the domain of Power scores the lowest across all six domains with an EU average of only 53.5 out of 100. Gendered power relations do not only concern decision-making and politics, but are also reflected in our everyday lives, including in the workplace, academia, arts and culture, the private and public spheres, education and early-childhood socialization. While there has been much research on inequalities and power relations in these different areas, this has not always translated into practical, sustainable and structural change on policy and societal level. In the light of economic crises, pandemics, and the climate emergency, it is crucial to re-examine these power relations and provide innovative solutions and policy responses to advance women's empowerment.

Deadline: 20/04/2022

Make EUcalls your ally

If you are interested in any of the above open calls for gender equality, we can help you with everything you need before and during the proposal phase. From finding experienced and reliable partners to project proposal services, EUcalls is a handy tool for all organizations interested in EU funding. With hundreds of European calls in our database, you can undoubtedly find one that best fits your needs.