Exploring Lesser-Known EU Funding Opportunities Beyond Horizon Europe

The prominence of Horizon Europe, Europe's premier research and innovation programme, is undeniable, with an impressive €95.5 billion budget. However, alternative EU funding opportunities exist that cater to diverse needs and ambitions. This blog post aims to shed light on these often-overlooked funding options, empowering you to expand your financial horizons.

Beyond Horizon Europe: A Spectrum of Possibilities and Exciting Examples

While Horizon Europe stands as a beacon for research and innovation excellence, the European Union offers a diverse landscape of programmes addressing crucial areas beyond this flagship initiative. From fostering balanced regional development to empowering small businesses and safeguarding the environment, these programmes unlock many possibilities for individuals, communities, businesses, researchers, and organisations across Europe. Let’s delve into some exciting examples of EU funding programmes and discover the potential hidden within.

Alternative EU Funding Opportunities to Consider this Programming Period

Given our exploration of Europe's flagship research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe (ex-Horizon 2020), let's examine complementary programmes in this area first.


Research and Innovation

Euratom Research and Training Programme

The Euratom Research and Training Programme (2021-2025) is a €1.38 billion initiative funding nuclear research and innovation. Complementing Horizon Europe, it utilises the same participation rules, focusing on fusion research and development (€583 million), nuclear fission, safety, and radiation protection (€266 million), and direct actions by the Joint Research Centre (€532 million). The programme, spanning from 2021-2025 with a possible extension to 2027, aims to advance nuclear research and technology, ensuring safety, security, and waste management.

Explore your research potential in nuclear energy by visiting the official page for details.

International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

ITER, an international experiment in southern France, aims to replicate the Sun's energy on Earth through fusion. With full operation expected in 2035, it presents opportunities for scientists and engineers worldwide to contribute their expertise.

Join the quest for the ultimate clean energy source and learn more about ITER on its official website.


European Strategic Investments


The InvestEU programme, successor to the Investment Plan for Europe, aims to mobilize over €372 billion in European investments from 2021-2027. With a focus on sustainability, innovation, job creation, and economic recovery, InvestEU leverages public and private funds with an EU budget guarantee of €26.2 billion. Four policy windows—sustainable infrastructure, research & innovation, SMEs, and social investment—provide diverse opportunities. Apply for funding by contacting EIB Group or other implementing partners directly, or through financial intermediaries.

Visit the official InvestEU programme website for more information and explore alternative EU funding opportunities.

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) allocates €33.7 billion to support high-performing and interconnected trans-European networks in transport, energy, and digital sectors. Enhancing mobility, strengthening energy security, and connecting communities are key benefits of CEF. Foster coordinated collaboration between transport, energy, and digital sectors to maximise the impact of EU funding.

Learn more about the programme and discover alternative EU funding opportunities.

Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)

The DIGITAL programme, allocating €7.5 billion for 2021-2027, focuses on supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and widespread technology adoption. Collaborating with Horizon Europe and CEF, DIGITAL positions itself as a driver for economic recovery and digital transformation. Priority is given to fostering the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.

For in-depth insights, visit DIGITAL's official website and actively engage in shaping Europe's digital trajectory.


Single Market

Single Market Programme (SMP)

With a dedicated budget of €4.2 billion for 2021-2027, the SMP maximizes the single market's potential, facilitating Europe's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on food safety, consumer protection, support for small and medium-sized businesses, improved single market functionality, and high-quality European statistics, SMP is integral to Europe's economic resilience.

Explore detailed information and engagement opportunities on the SMP's official website.



European Space Programme

Strategically addressing contemporary challenges, the EU Space Programme aligns with the EU's commitment to combat climate change, stimulate innovation, and provide socio-economic benefits. Enhancing daily life, space technology supports agriculture, crisis response, environmental protection, security, health, and transport.

Explore detailed information and opportunities on the EU Space Programme's official website.


Environment & Climate Action


The LIFE programmes fosters a sustainable, circular, and resilient economy while addressing environmental challenges. Structured into four sub-programmes, LIFE supports actions ranging from demonstration projects to capacity building and governance initiatives. Explore opportunities and engage with the LIFE Programme on their official website.


Navigating the Funding Landscape: Tips for Success

Venturing into alternative EU funding opportunities beyond Horizon Europe demands strategic planning and a keen understanding of the intricate application processes. Here's an in-depth exploration of the tips mentioned to guide you towards success:

  1. Identify Your Project's Objectives Clearly define the objectives of your project and align them with the specific goals of the chosen funding programme. Understanding the priorities and eligibility criteria of each programme is essential. Tailor your project proposal to address these key aspects, emphasizing how it aligns seamlessly with the programme's mission and objectives.
  2. Utilize the EUcalls Platform Leverage the comprehensive resources offered by EUcalls.net. Dive into the platform to explore a myriad of programmes, calls, and deadlines. This invaluable tool not only provides information on funding opportunities but also offers guidance on crafting a compelling proposal. Stay informed about the latest updates, ensuring you don't miss any crucial opportunities within the dynamic landscape of EU funding.
  3. Seek Expert Advice Tap into the wealth of knowledge offered by EU funding experts or reach out to relevant national contact points. These experts possess a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in the application process. Seek their guidance to ensure your proposal aligns with the programme's requirements, increasing the likelihood of a successful application. Expert advice can provide insights that elevate the quality and competitiveness of your project. 
  4. Network with Organizations and Potential PartnersEstablishing connections with other organisations and potential partners is a pivotal step in strengthening your project's foundation. Collaborative efforts often stand out in the eyes of funding agencies. Networking not only expands your project's reach but also opens avenues for shared resources, expertise, and innovative ideas. Building a network within your field enhances the credibility and potential impact of your proposal.
  5. Persistence is KeyRecognize that the application processes for EU funding can be highly competitive. Persistence is a vital trait that can set you apart. If your proposal doesn't succeed in the initial attempt, refine it based on feedback and experiences gained during the process. Don't hesitate to reapply in subsequent calls, demonstrating your commitment to the project's success and adapting your approach based on lessons learned.

Expand your Horizons and Achieve Your Goals

EU funding opportunities extend far beyond Horizon Europe. Exploring these lesser-known programmes unlocks diverse possibilities to support your projects’ success and achieve your business or research goals. With careful planning, effective research, and the right resources, you can navigate the EU funding landscape with confidence and bring your ideas to life.

Join the largest European platform for EU project collaboration! Sign up today and connect with reliable partners for your EU projects. With EUcalls, you'll get a comprehensive overview of open EU funding calls, ensuring you have the best information at your fingertips. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of a vibrant community driving European innovation forward!