Celebrating International Childhood Cancer Day with 7 EU Funding Opportunities

International Childhood Cancer Day, which we celebrate annually on February 15, serves as a global call to action, urging the world to unite in raising awareness and providing support for children and adolescents facing cancer. As we delve into the statistics, it is crucial to understand that childhood cancer is not only a global concern but also a pressing issue within the European Union. This blog explores the worldwide impact of childhood cancer, with a particular focus on the European landscape, and emphasises the need for increased research funding to address the disparities in survival rates.

Childhood Cancer Statistics from Europe and Worldwide

Every day, nearly 700 new cases of childhood cancer are diagnosed worldwide. Shockingly, childhood cancer stands as the leading cause of death by disease in children above the age of one year in the European Union. This distressing reality underscores the urgency of prioritising childhood cancer research and treatment strategies, not only on a global scale but specifically within the European context.

Childhood Cancer Survival Disparities in Eastern Europe

While progress has been achieved in Central and Western Europe, the 5-year survival rate for children in Eastern European countries lags behind, with rates 10% to 20% lower. This stark contrast emphasizes that a child's chance for a cure and the opportunity to live should not be determined by geography. It is a poignant reminder that children's rights cannot be fully realized unless preventing and treating cancers, especially childhood cancer, becomes a prioritized focus within national cancer control programs.

Download the Childhood Cancer Inequalities Factsheet

International Childhood Cancer Day Funding Opportunities

In light of these statistics and challenges, International Childhood Cancer Day transforms from not merely a day of awareness to a pivotal moment for action. Researchers, advocates, and organisations committed to the cause can seize this day to delve into and pursue funding opportunities dedicated to enhancing childhood cancer outcomes. Through active participation in open European funding calls and global research programs, we can collectively strive towards a future where a child's chance at life is not determined by geography.

7 Open EU Funding Calls to Combat Cancer

On this day, as we commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day, we stand firm in our commitment to shed light on the most impactful open EU funding calls addressing a spectrum of challenges and EU priorities. Here is a curated list of EU grant opportunities aimed at fostering contributions to cancer research:

1. Cancer Research Institute - Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship (multiple cut off)

Deadline 01/09/2024

Description: The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship supports early career scientists worldwide for dual training in immunology and data science. Sponsored by CRI specializing in immunology and cancer research, the fellowship targets computational biologists and cancer immunologists, fostering collaboration between disciplines. Projects must focus on cancer immunology or immunology, incorporating innovative technologies and computational methods. Multiple deadlines are set, with the next on March 1, 2024, and subsequent on September 1, 2024

2. Advanced Clinician Scientist Fellowship (UK)

Deadline: 21/03/2024

Description: The Cancer Research UK Advanced Clinician Scientist Fellowship funds outstanding clinician scientists for up to 5 years, supporting their salary and two additional positions, totaling up to £1.5 million. Eligible applicants, based at a UK institution, must possess an MD or PhD in cancer research, CCT, consultant status, and substantial postdoctoral experience. With biannual application cycles, the fellowship also aids successful overseas applicants with UK visa support.

3. EACR Travel Fellowships (cancer research)

Deadline 31/12/2024

Description: The EACR Travel Fellowships, by the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and World Cancer Research, offer up to 3000 EUR to support students and early career cancer researchers, who are EACR members or part of its associated national societies, in gaining new skills through international laboratory visits. Applicants must apply a minimum of 8 weeks before their planned trip.

4. One Health Research Call for Universities and Research Institutes For 2024

Deadline: 27/03/2024

Description: Business Finland is launching a health sector program to address global challenges, emphasising digitalisation and preventive healthcare solutions. This research call invites applications for Co-Research funding to support projects promoting the effective use of health data, innovative disease prediction and prevention models, digitalisation for independent living, and personalised treatment pathways. The goal is to enhance Finnish expertise, fostering internationalisation for companies contributing to these solutions, with a preference for interdisciplinary projects involving healthcare experts and at least three companies.

5. Supporting Patients’ Access to Their Health Data In The Context Of Healthcare Services For Citizens Across The EU

Deadline: 29/05/2024

Description:The action aims to enable patient access to health data, aligning with the Digital Decade Policy Programme's goal of 100% EU citizen access to electronic health records by 2030. It plans to expand MyHealth@EU's services, deploy the EU Digital Identity Wallet, and ensure cross-border health data exchange. The solution will cover various tasks, including reviewing ongoing projects, designing a unified patient access solution, deploying services, scaling the solution, testing patient access, and engaging users while assessing ethical and legal implications. The initiative emphasizes broad participation across Member States for increased relevance and adoption.

6. Support for Health Data Access Bodies to foster efficient pathways for AI in healthcare


Description: The action aims to enhance the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare by identifying and improving current pathways, leveraging the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and Health Data Access Bodies (HDABs). Deliverables include reports on identified pathways, guidelines for HDAB capabilities, and recommendations for AI development. The goal is to accelerate time-to-market, fostering AI-based healthcare innovations while ensuring patient safety and privacy, aligning with the EHDS and Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) frameworks.

7. AI in support of Quantum-Enhanced Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems

Deadline: 29/05/2024

Description: This initiative focuses on advancing quantum-enhanced metabolic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and AI/machine learning techniques for cancer and neurological disorders. In phase 1, pre-clinical validation and AI model development occur. Phase 2 involves clinical trials, operational impact assessment, and AI-aided Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis detection, aiming for precise, personalised diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.


As we commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day, let us stand united in raising awareness and strive for tangible change. By acknowledging the specific challenges faced within the European Union and embracing funding opportunities, we can collectively contribute to bridging the survival gaps and ensuring that every child, regardless of their location, receives the care and support they deserve. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of children and families affected by childhood cancer.

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