EU Climate Targets: The Mission of the European Green Deal

The EU climate targets are the European Union’s set goals to help combat climate change happening fast all around us. Summers are getting hotter every year with record temperatures in many parts of the world, while no country will escape its devastating effects.

But the biggest problem here is not that the summer or winter seasons become unbearable, but instead that this situation is not sustainable for the future. Climate change has many faces, and it has multidimensional detrimental effects on everything in natural and urban ecosystems.

Climate change and the earth’s rising temperature is increasingly influenced by human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and livestock farming. For that reason, all countries around the globe must agree upon an ambitious plan to reduce all those activities that contribute negatively to climate change.

Reaching the EU climate targets for 2030 is part of the European Green Deal encapsulating the need for a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive EU economy.

What are the EU Climate Targets?

The EU has set itself two climate targets for the future. The first EU climate target is set for 2030, while the other one is set for 2050. The initial target for 2030, based on the previous climate and energy framework in 2019, was set at a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. Later, with the introduction of the European Green Deal to make Europe a climate-neutral region by 2050, this EU climate target was updated to 55% (including emission reduction and removals).

This first milestone in climate targets 2030 will bring about significant changes to all sectors of the EU economy to meet this challenge. Further investments will be needed to meet these EU climate targets for innovation and greener jobs through various funding programmes like Horizon Europe and the LIFE programme.

EUcalls can Help you Make a Positive Environmental Impact

EUcalls is a smart platform with hundreds of open calls for proposals from various EU funding programmes for all your project and EU funding needs. The platform helps you navigate easily through all the available calls for EU funding and helps you find reliable EU partners by providing you with networking opportunities.

Based on the European Green deal, climate actions and reaching the EU climate targets will be an EU priority for the 2021-2027 period. You can find many European Calls on our platform to fund your EU projects on combating climate change and helping Europe achieve the green transition.

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