Horizon Europe Strategic Plan

On June 7, 2018, the new proposal for the rise in Europe programme was adopted by the European Commission. The key elements of the proposal were agreed upon during spring of 2019. According to the agreement, Horizon Europe will be structured into three pillars. Those pillars will support the activities that aim at increasing participation and strengthening the European research area.

Here is a fast glimpse in the preliminary rise in Europe structure:

Pillar 1:

  • European Research Council
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action
  • Research Infrastructures

Pillar 2:

  • Health
  • Cultural creativity and inclusive society
  • Civil security for society
  • Digital industry and space
  • Climate, energy and mobility
  • Food, bio-economy, natural resources, agriculture and environment

The Joint Research Centre will also be a part of the second pillar.

Pillar 3:

  • European Innovation Council
  • European Innovation Ecosystems
  • European Institution of Innovation and Technology

It appears that according to the agreement of the strategic plan will particularly focus on the second pillar by the name of “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness”. The sole reason behind that is to phase important challenges that the European area is at the moment facing. At the same time, it will aim to bring solutions to problems on a worldwide level. But what are those challenges?

Challenges we face

On a worldwide level, there are multiple factors that affect our daily lives. While some events develop rapidly, causing so-called disruptions, other factors evolve more slowly. These drivers shape major social, economic, political, environmental and technological transformations as they take root. Since these drivers develop in a relatively stable manner over time, we are able to anticipate with some degree of certainty the challenges to people, planet and prosperity that these forces will create if not appropriately addressed.

The demographic change, for example, is a very important factor that creates a challenge for our daily lives. The population in some countries is rising fast and unfortunately, it appears that sustainability is growing harder and harder. At the same time, we notice new technologies are rising and new clusters are creating a much more secluded economy. The new powerhouses in the global economy take their place on the international scene, they are establishing roles and all of this is creating an increasingly complex and volatile environment for Europe. The business and industrial world is being challenged massively.

There are more factors of course. Urbanization, scientific and technological developments as well as climate change that are also causing a great challenge. These challenges are what the second pillar is aiming at dealing with. It is a Horizon Europe going to bring us the future we want?

Targeting the impact of Horizon Europe

The main objective of the financial framework will be to generate knowledge, strengthen the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and of course implementing the important policies set by the European Union.

These policies will aim to support the access to and uptake of innovative solutions in the European industry focusing on small and medium enterprises as well as the society to address global challenges.

Horizon Europe supports EU policy priorities As a key source of new solutions, and an important and cross-cutting part of the EU Programmes, Horizon Europe plays a pivotal role in shaping, supporting and delivering on European policy priorities, in collaboration with the Member States and future associated countries through the European Research Area.

Here are the six priorities as set by the European Commission:

  1. a European Green Deal
  2. an economy that works for the people
  3. a Europe fit for the digital age
  4. promoting our European way of life
  5. a stronger Europe in the world
  6. a new push for European democracy

Calls for proposals for Horizon Europe have not yet been announced. There is still a great participation rate as it appears that more and more European and global organisations are interested in becoming a part of Horizon Europe. This new massive financial framework appears to be able to solve the problems of today.

Even now after facing the threat of the pandemic, the commission has reallocated the budget to make sure that more money will be spent on health research focused on solving the problem at hand.

Horizon Europe is the financial framework with the biggest budget yet and yes, all that budget does appear to be here for one purpose only. The help Europe solve the challenges of tomorrow. Whether Horizon Europe is going to have equal or better results than the projects implemented under the Horizon 2020 call is remains to be seen.

Our platform will remain completely updated and will help you find the best Horizon Europe calls for you as well as form the right consortia. With our new feature, IdeaPad, it will now be easier than ever for you to write down your ideas for projects, invite your partners to work or them with you right here in the platform and start working towards creating the best consortia and fund-worthy proposals with great impact.

In the future we will continue to break down the Horizon Europe strategic plan and explain the sectors separately. Stay tuned to our blog for more information as well as our look on the matter. How do you think Horizon Europe will affect the course of the European ecosystem?