Inspire Inclusion: A Call to Action on International Women's Day 2024 [+Open Funding Calls for Women]

As we commemorate International Women's Day (IWD) on March 8, 2024, the global theme 'Inspire Inclusion' resonates, emphasising the indispensable role of women in society. Europe has made notable strides toward gender equality, implementing measures such as pay transparency, increasing female representation on corporate boards, and working to eradicate violence against women. However, the journey toward full equality remains extensive.


Women in Politics: A Call for Inclusion

Despite progress, women's representation in politics remains a focal point, demanding collective efforts for increased inclusivity.

  • Global Imbalance: Only 6 EU countries have achieved a gender balance of over 40% in their Members of Parliament, underscoring the persistent global imbalance in political representation.
  • Leadership Gaps: With only 5 EU countries boasting female Heads of State, and the European Parliament nearing gender balance with 40% women, addressing leadership gaps is crucial for a truly inclusive political landscape.
  • Slow Progress: The slow pace of change predicts that women's share of workplace management positions will reach only 30% by 2050, highlighting the need for accelerated efforts in promoting women's participation in decision-making roles.


EU's Commitment to Gender Equality: Milestones and Progress

A newly released report provides insight into the EU's commitment to gender equality, showcasing significant milestones achieved over the past four years.

  • Pay Transparency Directive: Strengthening the equal pay principle, the Pay Transparency Directive stands as a milestone in the pursuit of gender equality.
  • Work-Life Balance Rights: The introduction of new work-life balance rights for parents and carers signifies a commitment to creating a supportive environment for both men and women in their professional and personal lives.
  • European Care Strategy: Ensuring quality, affordable, and accessible care services, the European Care Strategy addresses a vital aspect of gender equality, recognizing the importance of caregiving responsibilities.
  • Directive on Gender Balance on Corporate Boards: The adoption of this directive is a significant step toward breaking barriers hindering women's career advancement in corporate settings.
  • EU's Accession to the Istanbul Convention: By joining the Istanbul Convention, the EU solidifies its dedication to preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
  • EU Network on Gender-Based Violence: The establishment of this network underscores the commitment to collaborative efforts in preventing gender-based violence and domestic violence.

The year 2024 holds promises of further advancements, with the Commission set to propose recommendations to combat harmful practices against women and girls. The Commission reaffirms its commitment to supporting women's rights and striving for a gender-equal Europe, recognising the importance of sustained efforts. Learn more by reading the 2024 Report on Gender Equality in the EU.


4 Open EU Funding Calls to Celebrate International Women's Day 2024

On this International Women's Day 2024, we are steadfast in our commitment to spotlighting pivotal aspects that uplift and empower women. In line with this dedication, we present a curated list of open EU funding calls tailored to advance and support women across diverse fields.


Mama Cash - Resilience Fund

Deadline: 17/03/2024

Budget: €5,000 - €50,000 per year, average grant size €35,000

The Resilience Fund, Mama Cash's major grantmaking initiative, empowers feminist activists globally, providing resources and connections for collective activism. Aimed at structurally excluded communities, the fund supports feminist groups advocating for their rights. Recognizing the significance of unrestricted funding, Mama Cash offers long-term, flexible core support grants, prioritizing smaller, emerging groups addressing critical issues. Funding extends to both registered and informal entities, with an average grant size of €35,000. Accompanying financial and non-financial support ensures grantee-partners develop skills and networks. Eligible groups must work from a feminist perspective, be self-led, and prioritize human rights, structural change, and under-addressed issues.



Girls and Women in Digital

Deadline: 29/05/2024

Budget: €2,000,000

The call aims to address the gender disparity in ICT professions, where women represent less than 19%. The expected outcomes include a report identifying obstacles for women in choosing ICT careers, showcasing effective actions, and presenting national strategies for the "Women in Digital Declaration." The action contributes to the Digital Decade Policy target of 20 million ICT specialists in the EU by 2030. The consortium will map, analyze, and recommend best practices, creating a network of expertise to encourage and support female participation in ICT. The ultimate goal is to provide practical recommendations for closing the gender gap in ICT studies and careers.



Radicalisation and Gender

Deadline: 20/11/2024

Budget: €3,000,000

The call focuses on countering terrorism by studying the motivation behind women and girls supporting extremist ideologies, understanding the role of masculinity in men's motivations, and analyzing group dynamics during radicalization. The outcomes aim for enhanced strategies in detection, prevention, and de-radicalization, with a focus on providing tools and training for European authorities and practitioners. The scope emphasizes gender-sensitive approaches, challenging stereotypes, and understanding the contested nature of gender norms in radicalization. Community policing, gender roles in extremist movements, and best practices from related projects are integral aspects. The research aligns with the EU Counter-Terrorism Agenda, utilizing SSH disciplines for societal impact.



Call for Proposals to Prevent and Combat Gender-Based Violence And Violence Against Children

Deadline: 24/04/2024

Budget: €24,800,000

The objective is to combat violence, focusing on gender-based violence, domestic violence, and violence against children, including LGBTQI persons and individuals with disabilities. The initiative supports victims and aligns with key policies like the EU Gender Equality Strategy, the rights of the child, victims' rights, and the Council of Europe's Istanbul Convention. Proposed directives on violence against women and domestic violence, victim's rights, and upcoming recommendations on harmful practices and integrated child protection systems are part of the supported policy initiatives. Additionally, the strategy aligns with efforts addressing racism, LGBTQI rights, and Roma equality within the EU.


Conclusion: Inspiring Inclusion for a Brighter Future

On International Women's Day 2024, let us collectively champion the cause of gender equality. By addressing gaps in political representation, breaking workplace barriers, and fostering a supportive environment, we inspire inclusion for a brighter and more equitable future. Join the movement, celebrate the achievements, and contribute to building a society where every woman feels empowered to participate fully.

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