The Stage Sustainability Transition Programme Is Now Open

The Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise (STAGE) Programme launched its first calls for companies interested in becoming Europe’s next green industrial leaders, and for dedicated Sustainability Advisors who will guide the companies on their journey.

The initiative is designed to address the challenges that businesses face when preparing for the EU's latest Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) legislation, which will come into effect in less than 6 months. Up to 50,000 European companies need to invest heavily and implement environmental, social, and corporate sustainability practices to meet the new demands of a carbon-neutral economy.

In an ambitious effort to help overcome these challenges, the STAGE Programme has launched a recruitment call for companies, inviting businesses to participate in a unique sustainability transition ecosystem.

Any industrial enterprise keen on making a sustainable impact is welcome to register on the STAGE platform. Companies that join this transformative journey can expect:

  1. Sustainability Assessments: All companies are eligible to use the STAGE assessment tools for free! This includes an Initial Assessment that evaluates a company’s operations in a range of social, innovation, governance, environmental, and economic aspects and provides them with a scorecard outlining areas for improvement. Further, an in-depth Performance Assessment will be available to collect more details on product engineering, industry 4.0, production sustainability, and business strategy. A Carbon Footprint Assessment tool to calculate harmful emissions and EU Taxonomy Assessment will also be at the disposal of all participants.
  2. Sustainability Training Courses: businesses will be able to freely partake in training modules designed exclusively for the STAGE platform. These resources help enhance knowledge in specific sustainability areas. Participants can access open-source Decentralised Training Courses and attend online or in-person workshops, fostering valuable discussions and networking opportunities.
  3. 3 Financial Grant Programme and Tailored Advisory: small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from EU member states or Horizon Europe-associated countries will also be eligible to apply for financial support and additional financial consultancy services to attract private investment. The STAGE Financial Grant Programme will be announced soon, and only companies that have already joined the STAGE network under the current call and have completed the Initial Assessment can apply.

Each of the enterprises that join the programme will be matched with one or more Sustainability Advisors who will guide them through the STAGE transformation journey based on the companies’ needs and preferences. The advisors will play a crucial role in this process, unlocking the potential of businesses striving for sustainable growth. 

The second STAGE open call invites dedicated Sustainability Advisors to join its unique ecosystem and support industrial enterprises.

The STAGE network is open for all advisors, coaches, and experts with competences in one or more of the following fields: 

  1. Sustainability Transition: Experts proficient in product design, agile and green production, circular economy, recycling processes, waste management, renewable energy, energy efficiency, EU environmental standards, and sectorial competence.
  2. Finance Expertise: Professionals well-versed in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate finance (e.g. deal advisory, transaction advisory, valuations), capital allocation, and financial resources for sustainability transition.

With STAGE Sustainability Advisors benefit from the following:

  • Access to a Europe-wide support ecosystem: Once approved, they will be part of a strong and supportive sustainability transition network and connect with new clients across Europe.
  • Free access to sustainability and financial state-of-the-art assessment tools that address companies' sustainability transition needs;
  • Free innovation and sustainability training to enhance their skills and receive certification through complimentary participation in training sessions and workshops;
  • Direct Involvement in the STAGE Financial Grant Programme: As a Sustainability Advisor, experts will guide clients from a diverse pool of industrial SMEs through the STAGE process. Selected companies will utilize the STAGE Financial Grant Programme to pay for the expert services they receive from advisors.

For those interested in taking the leap towards sustainability, the STAGE Platform is now available for registration. European entrepreneurs and businesses are called to join and embark on the path of meaningful change in the global business landscape.

Together, we can pave the way for a more environmentally conscious and prosperous future! 

The STAGE project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.