8 Most Important EU Funding Programmes for Culture 2021-2027

As a union of different nations and cultures, social cohesion and cultural diversity are among the European Union's priorities. Creative Europe is the primary European funding instrument in support of cultural and creative projects in Europe. However, due to the culture's cross-sectional nature, other EU funding programmes also support it.

Let us review where the opportunities lie in EU Funding Programmes for Culture.

1. Creative Europe

When talking about EU Funding and culture in Europe, Creative Europe cannot be missing from the conversation. Creative Europe is the primary and dedicated EU funding programme for culture that supports cultural diversity, cultural heritage, and the competitiveness of the Cultural and Creative Sector (CSS) in Europe.

Budget: €2.24 billion

With a dedicated budget of €2.24 billion (€800 million increase from the previous funding period) for the cultural and creative sector, Creative Europe will play a catalytic role in EU funding for the arts and culture.

2. Asylum and Migration Fund (AMF)

The Asylum and Migration Fund supports early integration measures of asylum seekers and migrants. In the case you are wondering what AMF has to do with the creative industry, culture can play a significant role in the integration process of third-country nationals. Cultural projects support the active participation of migrants, boosts the intercultural dialogue, and contributes to society's tolerance and acceptance.

Budget: €8.705 billion

3. Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)

CERV programme is the result of the merger between Europe for citizens and Rights, Equality and Citizenship. This EU Funding programme targets local and regional authorities and NGOs to enhance social cohesion between European Citizens and promote European rights and shared values. As European members have different pasts but a goal for a common future, CERV will provide opportunities for cultural projects that will promote European citizenship while celebrating cultural diversity at the same time.

Budget: €1.64 billion

The importance of CERV can be seen from the fact that it received €1 billion more in funding from the initially proposed bill.

4. Digital Europe

Digital Europe's priority is to support Europe's digital transformation efforts in expanding digital capacities and technologies. Digital Europe is seen as the drive behind Europe's recovery from the pandemic and will be one of the leading EU funding programmes in the coming years. Digital Europe ties with culture as the CCS is highly innovative through its experimentation with digital tools. There will be opportunities as far as it concerns the design of training for digital skills, cultural heritage, and digital exploitation.

Budget: €7.588 billion

5. Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is one of the staple EU Funding Programmes for Culture that always a close relationship with Creative Europe. The objective of Erasmus+ is to foster the access and quality of formal and non-formal education and facilitate mobility across Europe. Especially in non-formal education, there is the trend of utilizing new creative and artistic approaches, formats and methods as it is proven that enhances the training process.

 Budget: €23.4 billion

6. European Social Fund+ (ESF+)

The objective of ESF+ is to build a more social and inclusive Europe. It seeks mainly to empower and invest in people, their skills, education and training. Although the cultural and creative sector does not play a direct role in the work of ESF+, there are indirect opportunities that may arise. These opportunities will relate to innovative approaches to tackling gender inequality, work-life balance, people with disabilities, among others.

Budget: €87.319 billion

7. Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the leading EU funding programme that supports researchers and innovation in the European Union. Horizon Europe's structure involves three pillars, Excellent Science, the Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, and Innovative Europe pillars. Even though most of Horizon's Europe funding goes to research in hard sciences, funding opportunities will arise for the cultural sector through its second pillar. Under this pillar, a cluster named Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies will deal with cultural heritage restoration.

Budget: €79.9 billion


As part of the European territorial cooperation (ETC), INTERREG works along with European cohesion policies. This funding programme aims to support cross-border collaboration for improving Europe's cohesion and quality of life. As EU cohesion policies and INTERREG objectives involve education, social inclusion and integration processes, culture was always fundamentally linked with all the above. Therefore, stakeholders in the cultural and creative sector should expect calls for funding from this EU Funding Programme too.

Budget: €7.95 billion

Find EU Funding Programmes for Culture in EUcalls Platform

The above EU Funding Programmes for Culture are only some of those that will provide funding opportunities for creative professionals and organizations. If you work in the cultural and creative sector, you can find all the latest available calls for EU funding for creatives on the innovative platform of EUcalls. Browse calls, submit your proposals or find reliable partners based on your needs.

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